Artist Statement• Following the Light
“Following the Light” weaves together themes of mythology, mysticism, and spiritual awakening rendered in encaustic mixed media.
As an artist, my creative practice is sourced from the connections between my inner world and my experience in the vast universe I belong to. These works are Jungian in nature, my own hero’s journey, as I navigate through times that feel untethered and undirected. The essence of my journey is to trust that the way will be revealed, and for me, the reliable signpost is light. Light within, Light without. Light always pierces the darkness and leads the way home.
Encaustic lends itself to a process of layering of materials that play with light, hiding or revealing deeper mysteries as each layer fuses to the whole. I look for those deeper connections, between the layers, always searching for points of connection, illuminating the narrative through light.
GhostBirds in Flight, Following the Light